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1.25" Brass Knob Backplate Square - Modern1.25" Brass Knob Backplate Square - Modern
1.9" Round Starburst Brass Backplate with Knob1.9" Round Starburst Brass Backplate with Knob
2.25" x 1" Brass Knob Backplate - Modern Rectangle2.25" x 1" Brass Knob Backplate - Modern Rectangle
3" x 1.5" Brass Knob Backplate - Modern3" x 1.5" Brass Knob Backplate - Modern
4.25" x 1" Brass Knob Backplate | Modern4.25" x 1" Brass Knob Backplate | Modern
Berlin Brass Sphere Cabinet Knob 1.25" DiameterBerlin Brass Sphere Cabinet Knob 1.25" Diameter
Black Brass Mid Century Brass Cabinet and Drawer Bar PullBlack Brass Mid Century Brass Cabinet and Drawer Bar Pull
Bradford Brass Ball Knob with 2.25" BackplateBradford Brass Ball Knob with 2.25" Backplate
Brass Brasilia Style Mid Century Modern Drawer and Cabinet PullBrass Brasilia Style Mid Century Modern Drawer and Cabinet Pull
Brass Sunburst Knob Backplate 1.9" InchBrass Sunburst Knob Backplate 1.9" Inch
Camden Mid-Century Brass Cabinet Knob with BackplateCamden Mid-Century Brass Cabinet Knob with Backplate
Sold outMid Century Modern Furniture Knob, Brass Knob, Gold Knob, Brass Cabinet KnobMid Century Modern Furniture Knob, Brass Knob, Gold Knob, Brass Cabinet Knob
Dish Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet KnobDish Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet Knob
Empire Brass Modern Bar Cabinet PullEmpire Brass Modern Bar Cabinet Pull
Florence Modern Solid Brass Round Kitchen Cabinet Hardware KnobFlorence Modern Solid Brass Round Kitchen Cabinet Hardware Knob
Geneva Brass Mid Century Modern McCobb Style Cabinet KnobGeneva Brass Mid Century Modern McCobb Style Cabinet Knob
Half Moon Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet Pull (2 Pulls)Half Moon Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet Pull (2 Pulls)
Hammered Brass Slim 18" Panel Appliance Bar Pull - ModernHammered Brass Slim 18" Panel Appliance Bar Pull - Modern
Hampton Brass Round Modern Cabinet & Drawer KnobHampton Brass Round Modern Cabinet & Drawer Knob
Hex Brass T Knob for Cabinet Doors and DrawersHex Brass T Knob for Cabinet Doors and Drawers
Hex Mid Century Modern Brass Bar Pull for Cabinet Doors and DrawersHex Mid Century Modern Brass Bar Pull for Cabinet Doors and Drawers
Joplin J Brass Modern Mudroom Wall HookJoplin J Brass Modern Mudroom Wall Hook
Leon Brass Wall Hook - Modern Brass Towel HookLeon Brass Wall Hook - Modern Brass Towel Hook
Mid Century Modern Brass Bar Pull with BackplateMid Century Modern Brass Bar Pull with Backplate
Mid-Century Modern Brass Concave Knob with BackplateMid-Century Modern Brass Concave Knob with Backplate
Milan Mid-Century Modern Solid Brass Brushed Brass KnobMilan Mid-Century Modern Solid Brass Brushed Brass Knob
Modern Round Brass Knob Backplate 1.5" InchModern Round Brass Knob Backplate 1.5" Inch
Oslo Mid-Century Modern Solid Brass McCobb Style Cabinet Hardware KnobMid Century McCobb Style brushed brass gold knob for furniture or kitchen cabinets
Oval Brass Modern Knob Backplate for CabinetsOval Brass Modern Knob Backplate for Cabinets
Pinch Pull - Solid Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet PullPinch Pull - Solid Brass Mid-Century Modern Cabinet Pull
Ravenna Mid-Century Modern Brass Cabinet Hardware KnobRavenna Mid-Century Modern Brass Cabinet Hardware Knob
Redefine Hardware Mid Century Brass Cabinet and Drawer Bar PullRedefine Hardware Mid Century Brass Cabinet and Drawer Bar Pull
Regal Mid-Century Modern Solid Brass Cabinet Hardware Knob with BackplateRegal Mid-Century Modern Solid Brass Cabinet Hardware Knob with Backplate
Semicircle Brass Mid Century Modern Cabinet Pull (2 Pulls)Semicircle Brass Mid Century Modern Cabinet Pull (2 Pulls)
Shell Inlay Round Modern Solid Brass Kitchen Cabinet Hardware KnobShell Inlay Round Modern Solid Brass Kitchen Cabinet Hardware Knob
Solid Brass Concave Mid Century Modern Cabinet KnobSolid Brass Concave Mid Century Modern Cabinet Knob
Modern Solid Brass Brushed Gold Ball Knob for cabinets, drawers, doorsStockholm Modern Solid Brass Ball Cabinet Knob
The Aristocrat Brass Cabinet Modern KnobThe Aristocrat Brass Cabinet Modern Knob
The Aristocrat Brass Cabinet Pull - Mid Century Modern DesignThe Aristocrat Brass Cabinet Pull - Mid Century Modern Design
Vanderbilt Brass Appliance Pull Knurled for Integrated Panel Ready AppliancesVanderbilt Brass Appliance Pull Knurled for Integrated Panel Ready Appliances
Vanderbilt Brass Knurled Cabinet Pull - ModernVanderbilt Brass Knurled Cabinet Pull - Modern
Walton Brass 3" Backplate with Large KnobWalton Brass 3" Backplate with Large Knob